Author Archives: Sarah Compson

We continue on…

Hi all!

We haven’t updated the website in a while, no excuses, but life carries on and we have continued to see people raising money for Katie so this is going to be a monster update for you all! 

As time passes Katie is never far from our minds, her infamous quotes are regularly repeated, her love of a good G&T and a bar of Dairy Milk often shared, and her smile never forgotten. However we are aware that life goes on and others experience pain and heartache meaning their hard earned cash needs to go to other well-deserved charities. We are therefore still so thrilled that people continue to want to raise money for us. 

The 14 mile Marsden March has been our continued go to walk, both in 2017 and 2018 along with friends and family we pounded the pavements between the two hospitals with thousands of others and raised around £5000 each time for Katie. Slightly different these days as we have babies, toddlers and a few new hips that have joined us so it is a more relaxed affair but still with the obligatory G&T stop at Mile 9! Each year we are so thrilled to see familiar and new faces decide to sign up, so when the early bird registration comes out in October please do consider joining us! 

Team G-H

At the end of January a dear supporter of the KCF passed away after his own battle with cancer. Since diagnosis Jonathan Gilbert-Harris and his family have supported us and raised money whilst he was being treated at the Marsden. The family decided any funeral donations were to be given to the KCF, and a mere 8 weeks later his daughters Emma, Jessie and Alice as well as Alice’s husband John, joined us and walked an emotional 14 miles in his memory. We cannot thank them enough and hope that in the difficult coming months they feel our love and strength coming their way. xxx


In July last year Katie’s flatmate Hannah married her prince charming Pierre in a castle in the South of France. Amongst the sunflowers, dancing, and love they had not forgotten Katie and asked for their gift list to include the option to donate to her charity. We were so so thrilled that they donated nearly £800 and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness with their gorgeous little boy Romeo. 

Katie’s Mum Jenny continues to live in their home town of Sudbury where she often finds wonderful support from the local community. Spread by the power of word she arranged a stall on the market square one Saturday in September and asked anyone with an oven to bake a cake in order to sell and increase calorie intake! After a slightly chilly morning they sold a whopping 150 cakes and raised £400 in the process. 

Our latest adventure was a family fun walk held in Bury St Edmunds and organised by Katie’s cousin Annabelle. As she couldn’t make the Marsden March she decided to arrange a family friendly 5 mile walk around the Elvedon Estate in beautiful scenery and roped in nearly 90 people to join her including teenagers, toddlers, babies and dogs! It was thankfully a beautiful day with a bear hunt and refreshments provided by local businesses. If anyone would like to organise their own event please do get in touch and we can help support your efforts in any way we can. 

In May Sarah, Barry and their friend JohnBoy will be once again taking on the South Downs Trek – a 27 mile walk along the South Downs ending at the Seven Sisters. We are doing this in memory of JB’s father-in-law Jonathan Gilbert-Harris and will be joined for the last 5 miles by Alice, his daughter, and various friends to ensure we get across that finish line! It is a very challenging route that will certainly test them (they’re not as young as they used to be!) but with a bit of sunshine and some energy gels they hope to make it in under 10 hours. Please do sponsor them if you can!

And with that it is time to sign off, and get back to finding some crazy ideas that we can take on to encourage more donations. But we end with some amazing news….thanks to you all we have now reached a whopping £200,330.65!!! It has been our dream to reach this landmark amount, and we are so proud that it continues to do so much good for those being treated at the Royal Marsden. 

We thank you for your endless support, you are amazing!

Lots of love

Sarah, Jenny, Peter, Elise, Barry and Theo xxxxx



Happy New Year!

Hi all

We would like to start by wishing you all a very happy and healthy new year. We hope you have spent time with loved ones, enjoyed a break, and have renewed energy for the new year.

We had a bit of a quiet last half of 2016 – primarily due to health issues the Compson family were unable to partake in much direct fundraising, so we have relied on our friends to continue the work on our behalf and even down to people donating in place of sending Christmas cards! We are thankful to you all.

2017 however is a new year, and there is plenty of opportunity to get involved! So please get your ideas to us for any fundraising you wish to do, we really do appreciate any help we can get.

Sarah and Barry had a busy end of 2016 welcoming their first child to the world – Theo is a happy and healthy baby and we are all smitten with him. He has already signed up for his first charity event – he will be walking/being carried around the Marsden March this year fundraising in memory of his wonderful Aunt Katie. A group of us will be once again treading the pavements for 14 miles between the sites of the two Royal Marsden Hospitals. Please do support us!

We really have started to see the results of all the fundraising you have done, and we were thrilled to receive the Royal Marsden progress report which I have shared below. Not only is the database already providing results, but the pain team that have developed the Katie Compson Foundation database are nominated for an award. We will update you when we hear the results!

Much love

Jenny, Peter, Elise, Sarah, Barry….and Theo!


Spring updates


Hi all

Spring is definitely in the air and we hope you’re all enjoying the longer days and glimpses of sunshine that seem to be appearing! We wanted to update you with the latest fundraising efforts, already overwhelming in determination and results!

In two weeks, we are seriously thrilled to tell you we have a runner in the London Marathon! This is a first for us, and we are very excited!! Tom Rogers has previously walked the Marsden March with

us, which inspired him to put his heart and soul into running the painful 26.2 miles across London. We’d be thrilled if you would get behind him – he’s a dear friend of Katie’s cousins Emma and Annabelle, and we are extremely privileged that he is doing this for us.

Please please sponsor him to complete his first ever marathon. We’d be so appreciative!

Tom Rogers Tom Rogers 2

In March, the Compson Crew got back together for another day of sunshine, G&T, and trying to avoid blisters. 15 of us braved the pavements from the RMH in Fulham, to their main site in Sutton. It was a day full of inspiring stories, wonderful people, and a dogged determination. All of us finished, supported by Peter and Elise at the finish line with a glass of bubbles, and in the process raised over £5,000.

Whilst we were there, we were proud as punch to see that the Katie Compson Foundation has made it onto the list of RMH Affiliates. Up there with some big names, it is clear that the money we are raising really is going on to make a difference.


On Thursday evening, the great and good of Suffolk came together at the wonderful Smeetham Hall Barn for the second dinner in memory of our gorgeous Katie. Catered by Scutchers restaurant 95 people ate the most splendid food and enjoyed an extremely high calibre raffle donated by various local businesses. We were also lucky enough to have an auction with unbelievable donations – and through the kindness of those in attendance we managed to raise nearly £7,000. It is an incredible achievement and we are extremely grateful to all those who donated, helped us out, and attended.


With all of this, we have now smashed the £160,000 mark! Waiting for new numbers to come in so we’ll update you as soon as we can – but thank you thank you thank you! We couldn’t do it without you.


Jenny, Sarah, Barry, Pete & Elise



New Year News!

Sarah & Barry-213Hi all

A new year brings new fundraising and some have got straight in there! Although we need to update you on the events of last year before we start on that!

We had to put some of our fundraising on hold at the end of last year, for what we hope was a very valid reason. Sarah and Barry got married surrounded by friends and family in Essex – it was truly a fabulous day – obviously it was heart wrenching without Katie by her side, but it was a day of pure joy that we all loved and we know she was watching every moment. A bonus donation was the speeches sweepstake won by our dear friend Dobbo – an extra £80 for the foundation!

Whilst the happy couple were sunning themselves on honeymoon, the fundraising continued back in the UK. One of Katie’s best friends, and mother to Katie’s godson Samuel, Katie Hunt along with her sisters, took on a massive challenge in the Great South Run whilst constantly supported by her lovely husband Pete (below). As she said to her friends: “Running 10 miles is nothing for many people. But for someone whose greatest sporting achievement to date is coming third in the 300 metres at Sports Day in 1995, this is going to be a massive challenge for me. And this time I’m going to try and not nosedive across the finish line.”

We were so thrilled to see how much she had raised for Katie, and we were equally thrilled to see her smiling all the way to the finish line! Thank you gorgeous!!

12185352_10156182802910057_3651572820132954076_oOur dear friends Susie and Paul approached us when they got engaged last year, telling us that when they got married in January 2016 they wanted to do something to incorporate Katie into their wedding. It blew our minds when they announced that their wedding list was purely equal donations to both Great Ormond Street hospital, and to the Katie Compson Foundation. Susie and Katie were great friends for years going through their 20’s in London; and whilst enjoying a similar career, various holidays and many catch ups over the obligatory bottle of wine, she, along with all of her friends, were devastated when Katie passed away. Susie and Sarah, as well as their husbands are still great friends, and Sarah and Barry sat proudly watching Susie and Paul tie the knot in The Cotswolds a few weeks ago, all the while grinning in the knowledge that with the £2,500 that they had raised selflessly for Katie – it had taken the Foundation over the £150,000 mark. It was the icing on the cake of such a wonderful day and we cannot thank them enough for their generosity and wish them all the love in the world for their marriage.

12509081_10208603900839344_4945347351164246712_nSo, whilst we wait for actual numbers from the Royal Marsden, (we promise to update the total to your right as soon as we have them) please start thinking of whether you can all help us out with some fundraising this year. Every penny helps and we know the money you are raising is going to such a wonderful cause and already helping cancer patients in the UK.

With much love as ever

Sarah, Barry, Jenny, Pete & Elise


The fundraising continues…

This weekend has started a few months of crazy fundraising for Katie, we are so proud and thrilled that we have such support for the Foundation, ultimately leading to more money towards Katie’s pioneering database that will help so many people going through cancer treatment.

34478_413837962430_3345539_nOn Saturday the Reid family were en masse, showing London that Triathlons are not only for the elite, but for those with dogged determination and a stubborn love for a great cause. Claire, Helen, Sophie and Will ran the Vitality Sprint Triathlon in London’s Hyde Park. A grand total of a 750m swim, 22.5km bike ride followed by a lovely 5km run they completed it and I believe are still smiling and hopefully still celebrating their success.

Please do help them reach their target!

Also this weekend, Sam Sharrock has once again taken things to the Sharrock extreme! Their lovely family have always been amazing supporters of us, and having crossed Iceland in 2013, Sam, along with his Dad, are taking on an ultra-marathon crossing the Gobi desert starting this weekend.

He will tackle 250 kilometers of terrain in eastern Xinjiang Province of China over 7 days. An attempt that seems unfathomable to a lot of us!

Please help him to reach his fundraising target!


Chris, also known as Irvs, is a Yorkshire man on a mission. For a long time he has taken part in various Ironman competitions and triathlons – his fitness levels are enviable. But he has always done these as his own personal challenges. This time, he has decided that he is going to do one for charity and we are so lucky that he has chosen the KCF to support.

Please dig deep and donate!

332831_10150989252660188_1811401097_oThank you all. It means so much to us all that you continue to support us in what we do and Katie would adore the various crazy challenges that you all come up with!

You will also be happy to see our updated total of over £140,000. It is truly amazing and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

With love,

Sarah, Jenny, Pete & Elise


The Marsden March – a day to remember

Hi all

What a lovely start to fundraising this year! The Marsden March once again allowed us the opportunity to join friends and family to walk between the Fulham and Sutton hospitals that we grew to know so much when Katie was being so wonderfully treated there.

30 of us walked for the Compson Crew this year, in cold but beautiful sunshine early on Sunday morning. It is always a humbling walk, seeing how many others have been treated there, lost loved ones, or those going through treatment but still putting one foot in front of the other. The courage everyone has to do this walk is incredible.

If you would like to sponsor the team – please do!

Katie was close to our hearts as ever on this walk, but even more so as we’d just had an update from John Williams on the progress of the Katie Compson pain database. The boards and ethics committees have all approved what we’re trying to achieve, and we are pleased to advise on the following updates:

The Royal Marsden have constructed a new in-house database for all patients with pain at the Marsden. It is now up and running and patients pain levels are being tracked using this. The database is already providing useful information about pain control that will help with the next stages of the database/registry project.

The next stage will be to construct a Pain Control Registry. This will aim to capture more detailed information about patients with pain – with the aim to be used throughout the NHS.

We are still so thrilled that we have moved so far in just 6 months.

Katie would be so proud – thank you for continuing to support us.

With all our love as always,

Sarah, Jenny, Peter & Elise



Katie’s legacy

Dear All

In October 2014 the Mayfair Hotel in London and Passionate Pink hosted the most amazing evening in memory of Katie. 178 people joined us at Katie’s Gala Ball where we ate beautiful food, enjoyed some incredible music, and thanks to the generosity of every single person there we raised an amazing amount of money.

IMG_5029Passionate Pink and the Little Wish Foundation, along with Deb and her team helped put together a fantastic night, organised fantastic goody bags, and introduced us to the amazing talents of Phoebe Rose – a 14yr old extremely talented singer who silenced the room with her voice.

Sarah was delighted to announce during the evening that due to the huge amount of money that has been raised by everyone, we can now launch the Katie Compson Pain Database; a database that will track, measure and ultimately help to treat the pain that cancer patients endure. Our hope as a family is that this will eventually be shared nationwide, allowing doctors, nurses and researchers access to the correct pain medicine for those going through cancer.

Our special guest of the evening was Dr John Williams – a consultant anaesthetist, and Head of Pain Services at The Royal Marsden since 1996. He is supporting us in our efforts and leading the team through various ethics committees and board of the Royal Marsden to start recording pain data from early January.

Through the selfless generosity of friends, businesses, and family everyone had the opportunity to win some incredible prizes. The first was to buy a rose for Katie, whereby beautiful cream and pink roses were purchased with the opportunity to win a stunning diamond necklace, donated by Mr Michael Wainwright, MD of Boodles jewellers. The necklace was won by a very special person. Ten year old Chloe Thompson had been granted a wish through the Little Wish Foundation – her wish being to be a princess for the night. Dressed up as the perfect princess, Chloe helped prepare the room for the evening and absolutely deserved to win this special prize.

We had hundreds of raffle prizes donated for the event, throughout the night there was ample chance for guests to buy raffle tickets, and people were thrilled to go home with such fantastic prizes.

Our auctioneer, Katie’s proud father Peter, gave a sterling performance auctioning off 12 incredible Lots. From a holiday in Tobago to a diamond ring, with cases of wine and signed Formula One prints in between, we were so fortunate that everyone was so generous with their money and it was a constant stream of hands in the air.

Through all of this generosity, we made over £24,000 on the evening taking our total up to over £123,000. We cannot thank you all enough for your generosity.

Wishing you all a very happy new year

All our love

Sarah, Jenny, Pete & Elise xxxx


Katie’s Gala Ball!

Katie's Ball InvitationWe are delighted to announce the next fabulous fundraising event in memory of our gorgeous Katie. Katie’s Gala Ball is proudly supported by our dear friends Passionate Pink, and will be held at the Mayfair Hotel on 10th October. We are so excited about this, and look forward to welcoming you all there!


2014 events

Hi all

We’ve been a bit quiet recently, but do not fret, we have still been busy! Before we say more, we wanted to say a big thank you to a couple of superstars.

Sarah’s best friend Alice and her gorgeous groom Mahesh got married in September 2013 in a fantastic London venue surrounded by friends and family. Prior to them even arranging the date, venue and more importantly the dress, they took the decision that instead of wedding favours, their guests would receive a Katie band, and they would make a donation to the Katie Compson Foundation. They are beyond generous and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts. We wish them a beautiful, healthy and happy life together.

Al & HeshIn March this year, we were delighted to welcome some sunshine to the Marsden March! 30 of our lovely friends and family joined us and walked the 14 miles between the two Royal Marsden Hospitals. It is such a humbling experience and each year we are so thrilled that we are joined by so many to do this fabulous fundraiser. With everyone’s generosity we nearly raised £7000 – an incredible addition to the current funds so thank you to all walkers, and everyone who donated! Pictures can be found in the gallery.

Barry and Sarah did the next challenge, a walk that tested them both in some early British summer weather. They came out with smiles, sunburn, and some serious blisters but it was definitely worth it raising £500. The South Downs Trek covers 27.9 miles across the various hills (Sarah decided they were more mountains) and with stunning views of the south coast it took 9hrs 25mins – but the gin and tonic at the end of the day was a perfect reward.

If anyone would like to do some fundraising please do get in touch, we would love to support you in your efforts, and remember that Katie would be so chuffed to see how much we want to raise in her memory.

With love,

Sarah, Jenny, Pete & Elise xxxx

Award in memory of Katie

Hi all, and Happy New Year!

Apologies for the delay in updates – we’ve had a busy start to the year and are already planning the latest fundraising efforts for this year. However we wanted to share with you the fabulous news that you all helped make happen. On December 19th 2013 the Compsons were invited to attend the Passionate Pink Christmas Ball – an awards ceremony for various charities supported by the fabulous Debs Little and the Passionate Pink team.

Both Elise and Sarah had been nominated for awards, alongside some amazing people who work in various charities constantly raising money for worthy causes. At the end of the night we were all astounded to learn that not only had Sarah been nominated for the Ultimate Heart Award – but she had won it – the award of the night! We were all proud as punch, but found it amusing as many of you who know her will find it hard to believe – she was speechless!

It is down to every single one of our friends that the Compsons won this award – your support is so vital and cherished so thank you. Thank you for remembering our amazing girl and working to ensure others do not have to go through what she did.

We love you all

Jenny, Pete, Elise & Sarah! xxx